Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Astrology

Valentine’s Day may have disappeared leaving shades of red in the air. But are the hues going to colour your life? Behold, Ladies! The tarot cards have spoken. Let’s see if they if they are about to transform your love life into a magical journey.


King of Pentacles: The King is a wise man. He knows his woman. He loves his woman. However, the Aries woman must not expect something bizarre or outrageous from him. The King is a practical man. While, he will go out of the way to do something special, he’ll be rather stoic about it. The Aries woman will be treated royally. But it is for her to realise that his affection lies in his practicality. 


The King of Cups: The King of Cups is a man of great strength and a man who is in touch with his emotions, all the same. When it comes to wooing his woman, he shall resort all sorts of creative techniques. He also has a way with words. Poems, songs, love notes. Expect surprises all the way. For the single Taurean woman, love might just be one stop away from where you are standing.


The Knight of Pentacles: The King of Cups is a man of great strength and a man who is in touch with his emotions, all the same. When it comes to wooing his woman, he shall resort all sorts of creative techniques. He also has a way with words. Poems, songs, love notes. Expect surprises all the way. For the single Taurean woman, love might just be one stop away from where you are standing.


Death: The Death card must not be taken literally. More often than not it signifies transformation rather than the end. Cancer women will watch their relationships transform into something more mature and practical. Issues that previously lead to friction shall resolve themselves. Out of the ashes a new relation shall be born. In certain cases, the end is near. But then again the end signifies a new beginning.


Page of Wands: The Page of Wands is a child at heart. Watch the little things he will do to amuse his woman and bring a naughty little grin on her face. The Leo woman, who is not the most serious of relationships, will see a gradual change. In the positive direction. Either way, the Leo woman and her lover will end up having one heck of a torrid affair. 


Four of Wands: The Four of Wands bring along with themselves joyous tidings. For those who have been in a serious relationship for a while, you will find your relationship progress to the next level. Engagement or even marriage may be on the cards. In certain cases the four of wands bring material possessions with them. There is a good chance you will you will invest in something together. Love is the in the air. Good times shall follow.


The Sun: When the sun shines, the flowers bloom and love starts to grow. However, there is a practical connotation to this card. The lovers see each other in a better light and start the process of acceptance, flaws included. It renders the beginning of a mature relationship. One that has the potential to spread its wings and fly.


Eight of Wands: The Eight of Wands indicate that a lot is coming your way. Prepare to be overwhelmed and emotionally stimulated. You will be showered with material possessions and bestowed with love. The Sagittarius woman will watch her relationship rapidly progress to the next level. Passionate lovers might see themselves through a torrid love affair.


Knight of Wands: The Knights of Wands is a daring man. One who will go to any extent to protect his woman. He is also spontaneous and rather fun-loving. While he may not be the master of well thought out plans, it is his randomness that will charm you. The card also indicates strength. The strength your relationship is likely to find and grow with. The Scorpion woman will watch her love grow deeper.


The Moon: The Moon brings with itself the promise of a charming relationship. One that will drive you insane with its intensity. The Capricorn woman will watch her lover utilise creativity to woo her. Wine, champagne, music, poetry, prose. She will be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, the Moon promises to bring magic with itself.


Ten of Wands: The ten of wands brings along with itself a lot of baggage. Perhaps the Aquarian woman is unwilling to express herself or is unsatisfied with the state of the relationship. Parts of her are happy and parts of her are not. The latter are likely outweigh the former. Things will change slowly as she decides to unload the sticks. One by one.


Six of Pentacles: The Six of Pentacles signify mutual benefit. The Piscean woman will watch her relationship grow as she indulges in the process of give and take. There is also a likelihood of a business transaction. Perhaps a partnership. No matter what turn the relationship is going to take, the Piscean woman will find herself in the right place at the right time.

-Karishma Rajani (42)

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